How Heartcentred Wellbeing was founded
Here’s a little info about me to help those finding my website understand why I’m so passionate about the things I teach. From my early twenties I had come across different teachings about energy, healing and how our mindset really does have an effect on what WE create in our lives, however I clearly wasn’t ready at that stage to take it all onboard. I’d read and researched lots of things about the power within us to make the changes we want to see in our external but let the information pass me by.
At that stage in my life I was still focused on my own past hurt and trauma to consider that I could actually be creating more of the same in my life.
Fast forward almost twenty years and the information I had learned all those years ago truly started to sink in. At the age of 39 I had my second child.
Literally straight after the cesarean, an ECG and Echocardiagram and whilst still nursing my new born baby in the hospital bed I was informed by a team of cardiologists that I had a severe heart condition, something I had been born with but something that had now become critical enough to need open heart surgery to correct.
Obviously not being aware of this condition I was in a state of shock as to me I felt fine. To cut a very long story short, 2 months after giving birth I underwent open heart surgery to replace part of my aorta and insert a mechanical valve. Needless to say I now tick like the croc out of Peter Pan however I am now healthier and happier than I’ve ever been.
Whilst sitting in the hospital bed the night before the operation I had one of the nicest feelings I’d ever experienced. Coming from a difficult upbringing my need to control my external to create stability and security was massively ripped from beneath my feet when I realised this one was completely out of my hands and there was nothing I could do about it.
That beautiful feeling I experienced there in the hospital bed was complete surrender and letting go.
After recovering I took myself off to Bali solo to a spiritual festival taking place there to gather my thoughts and make some sense of what had just happened. During my trip I started to think how I had lived the first 40 years of my life and what I wanted for the next 40 years now I had been given this wonderful kick up the arse so to speak to re route my souls journey.
I came back from Bali, retrained in what I do now and started my new journey on this fantastic path and Heartcentred Wellbeing was formed. Aptly named due to my own experiences.
Along my journey I started to gain even more understanding in energy, the universal field and how we really are the creators of our own lives through our thoughts and feelings. How there is much more this meat suit and monkey mind. How energy plays a huge part in all existence, in the quantum field and we are part of of that field.
How by changing our internal we can change our external and the importance our subconscious mind plays in this process.
Having studied Psychology, I’ve always been fascinated with the brain and mind. How our subconscious mind is super powerful and how unwittingly things stored in the subconscious mind from childhood draw in the same patterns time and time again without us being aware of it.
As my learnings of the link between our physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies all started to slot into place.
Everything is connected, to understand one you need an understanding of the others to help draw in the things you truly want. Life is supposed to be lived to the full not just existing.
Even children understand this by finding the joy and excitement in their daily experiences however sadly as adults we lose the awe of life as we build our layers along the way.
So if you’re open and ready to create a happier, healthier and more joyous life for yourself then take that first step on the staircase and book a free self discovery call to really start living your life to the fullest.
My Mission
To help as many people as possible learn how this sometimes weird and sometimes wonderful world really works in order to create a life they love. To reduce their stress levels, improve their mindsets and to know that they really can create whatever they want to in their lives with understanding and effective tools.
Many people have hectic lifestyles these days, juggling the stresses life throws at us daily with a feeling that we simply don’t have time to put ourselves first. What if I could show you a way that by changing a few simple things you will gain more time, more energy and feel a great improvement in your health and wellbeing in the process?
My aim is to help people discover how ancient wisdom, quantum energy and the power within can transform your life helping you feel calmer, happier, healthier and ultimately living the life you truly want to live.
My Vision
My vision is to see more people heal their hearts and improve their general physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. To breakthrough limiting beliefs, past hurt and self sabotage to ‘Care Bear’ out a vibration magnetising more beneficial things towards them, and in turn passing on their wisdom down to their children to break cycles. Ultimately living life in a higher frequency for themselves, humanity and our planet.
Life is supposed to be really lived not just existing. And you really ARE the creator of your own destiny.